Six Things on

The meadow buttercup - a pastoral pleasure

The meadow buttercup - a pastoral pleasure

The word buttercup is likely to conjure up images of perfect sunny summer leisure days, due to the vibrant sunlike colour of the flowers, and its preference for lush well-watered grassland and meadows that are perfect for picnics.

John Taylor & Co. The largest bell foundry in the world

John Taylor & Co. The largest bell foundry in the world

Since 1859, Loughborough Bellfoundry, home to John Taylor & Co bellfounders, has cast more than 25,000 bells hung in the cathedrals, churches, universities and public buildings of over 100 countries.

The magical glow worm

The magical glow worm

They look a bit like an elongated woodlouse, but, at night, in the summer, the magic happens: Britain's glow worms emit an eerie green glow from grass tips and bushes as the females announce their presence. Lampyris noctiluca is the glow-worm species most often seen in the UK.

Jerseys and Guernseys - traditional British breeds of cattle

Jerseys and Guernseys - traditional British breeds of cattle

The Jersey (pictured) and the Guernsey are two similar breeds of British small-to-medium size dairy cattle originating from the Channel Islands, but now farmed worldwide.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem in Nottingham - the oldest inn in England?

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem in Nottingham - the oldest inn in England?

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem in the city of Nottingham claims to be the inn with the longest history in England, established in 1189. It backs onto a series of caves in the sandstone under Nottingham Castle, which were reputedly used as a brewhouse for the castle in the medieval period.

Sawney Bean: the story of a Scottish cannibal

Sawney Bean: the story of a Scottish cannibal

Alexander "Sawney" Bean was a mythic cannibal, said to be the head of a 45-member clan in Scotland in the 16th century that murdered and then ate over 1,000 people over 25 years.

Six things to delight and entertain you every day.